“Learning Disability- A Systematic Review”
Cause, Prevalence, Teaching Strategies, Intervention.Abstract
Background and aim: Despite the fact that learning disabilities are chronic disorders that cannot be cured, individuals with these conditions can succeed in their studies, careers, and communities with the help of appropriate diagnosis, treatment, and care. The aim of this paper is to review risks, emerging issues, adjustments, and educational interventions for individuals with learning disabilities.
Methods: 504 articles were searched (Google Scholar, PubMed), 49 were selected based on quality and relevance, published between 2005-2022. Additional materials were obtained from the bibliographies, and titles and abstracts were reviewed to ensure they met inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Results: This paper reports the findings of 49 studies reviewed which state the following: Individuals with learning disabilities have low self-esteem, cognitive impulsivity, and difficulties in selective attention tasks. Poor academic performance and bullying are linked to emotional problems in children with LD. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to help reduce anxiety and promote social skills and academic outcomes in this population. Teachers need to broaden their teaching strategies to better meet the needs of students with learning disabilities, and technology can improve academic performance for these students. Teachers play a vital role in recognising patterns of learning disabilities and providing personalized intervention, and counselling initiatives and equal treatment from teachers can help minimize bullying.
Conclusion: This study offers an up-to-date, thorough assessment of the literature on persons with learning disabilities that will be helpful to organizations who offer psychological support to people with learning disabilities.
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