domestic violence, women, posttraumatic growth, PTSD, social supportAbstract
Posttraumatic growth has been found to occur in the aftermath of a number of traumas, but fewer studies have highlighted its occurrence among survivors of domestic violence. The present study examined how demographic variables, posttraumatic stress disorder, and social support are associated with PTG in a sample (n = 121) of female survivors of domestic violence. Results showed that both PTG and PTSD may co-occur, however, the relationship between the two constructs cannot be established. Older and more educated women showed greater levels of PTG. More time elapsed since trauma indicated more PTG. No significant associations could be established among PTG, social support, and PTSD. Education and time since trauma are significantly related to greater PTG, whereas social support was unrelated to PTG. Relevant implications to facilitate PTG among survivors of domestic violence have been discussed. The limitations of the study and future directions for research and practice are suggested.
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