Applied Behavior Analysis: There's a Lot to it!



Antecedants, Consequences, Neurodiversity, Behavior Therapy, Behaviorism


Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), a scientific approach to understanding human actions, is based on principles of learning by the mediation of antecedents and consequences to establish or enhance socially important behaviors. In recent times, this approach has gained prominence, albeit erroneously, as the panacea only for the treatment of Autism. This rapid scoping review attempts to outline the meaning, types, history, scope for application, prerequisites for training and certification, problems, issues, challenges, and misconceptions about ABA in a simplified timely manner.


Author Biographies

  • Dr. S. Venkatesan, Formerly Dean-Research Development. Professor & Head, Department of Clinical Psychology, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangotri, Mysuru: 570 006, Karnataka, INDIA.

    Prof. Dr. Srinivasan Venkatesan was heading the Department of Clinical Psychology at All India
    Institute of Speech and Hearing in Mysore, India, for the past 21 years. He also was the Dean of research and Development. His primary focus and interest lie in interventional assessments and therapeutic methods for the population of children and adolescents with disabilities and disorders. He has authored several books and publications, apart from guiding Ph.D. scholars on these topics.

  • Dr. Iyer Kamlam Gopalkrishnan, Child & Adolescent Neuropsychologist

    Dr. Iyer Kamlam Gopalkrishnan is a clinician-researcher with a keen interest in child and
    adolescent neuropsychology. Her focus is on assessment and skill / cognitive training related to
    children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families. Furthermore, she intends to
    utilize the latest statistical and digital techniques for pursuing research along with the same


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How to Cite

Applied Behavior Analysis: There’s a Lot to it!. (2022). Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49(01).

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