Brain-Computer Interface in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation


  • Jena SPK Professor, Department of Psychology, Delhi University, Delhi


Brain Computer Interface, P300, Steady State Evoked Potential, Sensorimotor Rhythm, Slow Cortical Potentials, Long-Term Potentiation


Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a new frontier of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Neuroscientists have long visualized the possibility of using brain signals to control artificial devices. There are promises as well as challenges involved in it. The present article examines the concept of BCI through its function-based classification and its various operational paradigms such as P300, steady state evoked potentials, sensorimotor rhythms, and slow cortical potentials, which are used as means of BCI. In this context, Hebb’s theorem of long-term potentiation (LTP) was discussed to explain the mechanism of behaviour change. While describing the stages of signal acquisition, this article describes procedures for artifact reduction. It provides a kaleidoscopic view evidence-based practice of BCIs various clinical conditions, with hope that in coming years BCI will provide new avenues of applied research and insight for neuropsychological intervention.


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How to Cite

Brain-Computer Interface in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. (2024). Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50(1).

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