Efficacy of Parent Management Training In ADHD Children Using Kazdin’s Model


  • Asima Mishra CIP, Ranchi
  • Neha Sayeed CEntral Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi
  • Daya Ram Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi


ADHD, PArent Management training, Kazdin model


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD is a neuropsychiatric condition affecting preschoolers, children, adolescents, and adults around the world, characterized by a pattern of diminished sustained attention, and increased impulsivity or hyperactivity. It is the most common behavioral disorder which develops in childhood and later becomes apparent in the preschool and early school years (Alizadeh et al., 2015; Cheng & Myers, 2005). Psychosocial treatments for ADHD are generally combined with medication as medication alone cannot address parental concerns around child management issues and Behaviour parent training is the most commonly prescribed psychological intervention for ADHD. Aim & Method-The aim of the study was to find out the effectiveness of Parent Management Training (PMT)model by Kazdin in a sample of 30 children and adolescent of age 10-18years. The participants were divided into 2 groups- the study group received PMT along with medication while the control group received treatment as usual. Results indicated that the study group had better improvement as compared to the control group suggesting that parent management training module by Kazdin is an effective treatment for children with ADHD.

Keywords: ADHD, Parent Management Training, Kazdin model

Author Biographies

  • Neha Sayeed, CEntral Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi

    Associate Professor and Head of Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi

  • Daya Ram, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi

    Professor of Psychiatry, Dept. of Psychiatry, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi


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How to Cite

Efficacy of Parent Management Training In ADHD Children Using Kazdin’s Model. (2023). Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49(04). https://ojs.ijcp.co.in/index.php/ijcp/article/view/394

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