Psychometric Properties of the Hindi Version of Metacognition Tools for Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples


  • Amrita Choudhary Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University
  • Jay Kumar Ranjan Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University
  • Hari Shanker Asthana Asthana Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University.
  • Jai Singh Yadav Scientist ‘B’ (DRDO), Selection Centre East


Metacognition Questionnaires, Hindi Adaptation, Factor Structure


Background: Metacognition Questionnaire (MCQ)-30 and MCQ-Short and Modified (MCQ-S&M) are widely used psychometric tools to measure the metacognitive beliefs of clinical as well as non-clinical populations. However, there is a lack of Hindi psychometric tools of metacognition with evident psychometric properties. Therefore, the present study aimed to translate the existing metacognition questionnaires viz. MCQ-30 and MCQ-S&M into Hindi language, and further evaluate its psychometric properties in the Indian setting.
Method: Based on purposive sampling technique, MCQ-30 and Hospital and Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were administered on 145 patients diagnosed with depression and anxiety and 355 non-clinical participants. Similarly, MCQ-S&M and HADS were administered on 126 patients with schizophrenia disorder. After collection of the data, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent validity of both MCQ-30 and MCQ-S&M were examined. Lastly, the factor structure of MCQ-30 and MCQ-S&M were evaluated using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
Results: Hindi versions of MCQ-30 and MCQ-S&M have good internal consistency and temporal stability. The alternate form reliability of MCQ-30 was statistically significant. Both MCQ-30 and MCQ-S&M indicated significant convergent validity as the subscales had significant correlations with depression and anxiety. Lastly, the factor analysis of MCQ-30 yielded the five-factor model through both EFA and CFA. The EFA of MCQ-S&M identified the seven-factor model as in the original scale, however, the results of CFA did not fit the seven-structure model.
Conclusion: The results suggest that the Hindi-translated versions of MCQ-30 and MCQ-S&M have sound psychometric properties to measure the metacognitive beliefs of participants of anxiety and depression and schizophrenia disorder respectively.


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How to Cite

Psychometric Properties of the Hindi Version of Metacognition Tools for Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples. (2021). Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48(01), 55-64.

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