Key Words: Negative urgency, Positive urgency, Sensation seeking, Lack of premeditation, Lack of perseverance, Trait mindfulness, Intolerance of UncertenityAbstract
The domains of impulsivity that are negative urgency, positive urgency, sensation seeking, lack of premeditation, lack of perseverance, trait mindfulness and Intolerance of Uncertainty have gathered attention due to their association with cannabis abuse. The aim of the present study was to explore relationship between severity of cannabis abuse in level of negative urgency, positive urgency, sensation seeking, lack of premeditation, lack of perseverance, trait mindfulness and Intolerance of Uncertainty among participants with cannabis abuse, to explore the differences in the variables between those consuming cannabis and healthy controls and to explore the gender difference in all the studied variables among participants with cannabis abuse. Cross sectional data were collected from different universities in Rajasthan (N=72). A significant positive correlation was found between severity of cannabis consumption and the studied variables negative urgency, lack of premeditation, sensation seeking, lack of perseverance, positive urgency and intolerance to uncertainty. A significant difference was found in level of negative urgency, lack of premeditation, sensation seeking between, lack of perseverance, trait mindfulness and level of intolerance to uncertainty between cannabis abuse group and healthy controls. No significant gender difference was found in the studied variables among participants with cannabis abuse. The findings suggest that multiple impulsivity facets, trait mindfulness and intolerance to uncertainty have a significant positive correlation with severity of cannabis abuse and that there is a significant difference in different impulsivity domains, trait mindfulness and intolerance to uncertainty among cannabis abusers and healthy controls.
Key Words: Negative urgency, Positive urgency, Sensation seeking, Lack of premeditation, Lack of perseverance, Trait mindfulness, Intolerance of Uncertainty
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