Unveiling the Overlooked- A Comprehensive Review of Deafblindness in India
Deafblindness, Disability, Protactile, RehabilitationAbstract
Deafblindness, characterized by dual sensory impairment in both hearing and vision, presents significant challenges to affected individuals and is considered a highly vulnerable condition. This study focuses on the status of Deafblindness, particularly in India, where it has only recently been recognized as a distinct disability under the RPWD Act, 2016. However, there remains a scarcity of research and development efforts in this field. Multiple studies indicate the presence of mental health issues like depression and perceived lack of social support among individuals with Deafblindness. In India, deafblind individuals face discrimination and limited access to essential resources and services. The study emphasizes the need for rehabilitation in various areas, including communication, mobility, information access, and psychological adaptation. Protactile communication has emerged as a promising approach, but there is a lack of training modules and research in India. There are significant inventions globally, including some in India, designed to enhance mobility and learning for deafblind individuals. However, these products suffer from a lack of promotion and information dissemination. Additionally, challenges persist in providing adequate counseling due to existing communication barriers. The study highlights critical areas that require attention to better rehabilitate deafblind individuals and create a more inclusive world for them in the future.
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