Effectiveness of Thought Speed Manipulation among Young Adults
thought speed, manipulationAbstract
Background: Thought speed is defined as number of thoughts one has for per unit of time. Fast Thought speed has been associated with elated mood, increased energy, arousal compared to slow thought speed. Objective: To study the effectives of thought speed manipulation technique in Indian Context. Method: Paced reading of Velten Mood Induction was used, 3 types of different statements (elation, depressive and neutral) were to participants in the fast and slow pace. Totally six different conditions were created. Stimulus were presented using Microsoft Power point. Perceived thought speed questionnaire and PANAS were to administered ( Pre and Post Test).Results: Showed no significant differences when comparing pre and post test in all six conditions.Conclusion: Further improvement were to made in methodology when the stimulus is presented in non-native language.
Keywords: Thought Speed, manipulation
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