A Comparative Study of Neuro-Cognitive Correlates in Patients with Schizophrenia and Normal Controls
Neuro-Cognition, Clinical Psychology, Schizophrenia, Memory Functioning, Visual-Motor Functioning, Response Inhibition, Visuo-Constructional Ability, Perceptual AcuityAbstract
In the present study, a neuro-cognitive comparison was carried out among -Visual-Motor Functioning, Memory Functioning, Visuo-Constructional Ability, Response Inhibition and Perceptual Acuity between individuals with Schizophrenia and their approximately matched control. 30 individuals participated in the study. 20 belonged to Normal Population and 10 matched the criteria for Clinical Population.GHQ-28 was used to screen Normal Population and PANSS was used to screen the population diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test -I, PGI-Memory Scale, Clock Drawing Test, Stroop Test and Nahor-Benson Test were administered in the present study. Product Moment Correlation was calculated for both Normal and Clinical groups. For both the groups, Memory and Response Inhibition was correlated with Visual-Motor Functioning, Visuo-Constructional Ability and Perceptual Acuity. Within the Normal Group, Delayed Recall significantly correlated with Visual-Motor Functioning and Visuo-Constructional Ability. Within Clinical Group, Perceptual Acuity significantly correlated with Visuo-Constructional Ability.
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library.neura.edu.au: https://library.neura.edu.au/schizophrenia/illness-course-and-outcomes/remission-and-recovery
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