Does Phonological Awareness Influence Mathematical Word Problem Solving?
Mathematical Word Problems, Working Memory, Phonological Processing, Phonological AwarenessAbstract
Contemporary research in the fields of Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Linguistics is expanding and deepening our understanding of the role of phonological cognitive abilities in mathematical problem solving. Successful solving of mathematical word problems entails both reading skills and mental representation skills. Although the implications of language in learners’ mathematical development have been studied extensively; only few studies have spelled out the crucial role of phonological processing abilities in mathematical performance. Building on the working memory model propounded by Baddeley and Hitch (1974), the present correlation study examines the relationship between phonological awareness and mathematical word problem solving performance in primary children. Seventh grade children (n = 40) with a mean age of 12.5 years were assessed on phoneme deletion, phoneme segmentation, phoneme blending sound categorization and mathematics word problems. Using correlation analyses, the results indicated that phonological awareness is correlated to learners’ performance in mathematics word problems. Based on this finding, it is concluded that developing phonological awareness skill among learners should be given utmost importance during early years for better mathematical performance.
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