Psychometric Properties and Standardization of Hindi Translation of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) in an Indian sample
Standardization of Hindi translation of PANAS
Positive affect, Negative affect, PANAS, Standardization- Hindi translationAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the psychometric characteristics and validity of the Hindi translation of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) in the setting of Hindi-speaking Indian culture. For the purpose 17 to 65 years old 396 men and women with a minimum of a High School education from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, completed the Hindi translation of PANAS, BDI-II, SWLS, and PSS-10.Factor analysis (principal components) of PANAS using the Varimex rotation method revealed two factors with ten items each: Positive Affect and Negative Affect, and CFA by AMOS revealed a two-factor model with adequate goodness of fit. The first and second factor's content yielded two behavioural components, Positive Affect and Negative Affect, and the Hindi translation of PANAS revealed high reliability, construct, and convergent validity. On both positive and negative affect, no gender differences were found; however, younger participants had significantly more positive affect than older participants. The results showed that the PANAS-based Hindi translation is a reliable and valid measure of affect in the Hindi-speaking Indian population.
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