Clinical Factors as Predictors of Neuropsychological Dysfunctions in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


  • manoj kumar bajaj Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh
  • Abhilasha Dwivedi Clinical Psychologist
  • Priti Arun Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, GMCH-32 Chandigarh


Obsessive compulsive disorder, Clinical Factors, Neuropsychological Dysfunctions, Predictors


The aim of the study was to determine the clinical factors such as medication, duration, compliance, severity of illness, co-morbidity, onset, insight, family history, subtypes of OCD predictors of neuropsychological dysfunctions in persons with obsessive compulsive disorder. Material and Methods: An exploratory, single group and cross-sectional design was employed. Participants were selected consecutively from the outpatient department of psychiatry of a tertiary care government hospital from north region of India. Total 32 participants diagnosed as OCD as per WHO ICD-10 DCR criteria, educated minimum 10th class, of any gender, between age of onset 15 years to 55 years with minimum illness duration of 3 months were recruited. Participants those who have co-morbidity of any other psychiatric, neurological and physical/ medical illness, history of long term cognitive retraining were excluded except mental and behavioural disorder due to use of tobacco, and secondary depression due to OCD.

A brief  face to face interview was conducted to record the clinical profile of OCD like name of medication, doses of medicine, time, response to treatment, duration of illness,, onset, subtype of OCD, co-morbidity, course, severity of illness (OCD), level of depression, insight and family history of psychiatry illness or other. Further, Yale – Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale ( Y – BOCS) and Symptom Checklist; Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression ( HAM – D); Medication Compliance Scale; Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS); Clinician Rating Scale (CRS). Subtests of Mental speed, Attention, Memory, Executive functions from NIMHANS Neuropsychological Battery for Adults-2004 were administered.

Results: Severity of depression and onset of illness were significant predictors of mental speed. Insight was significant predictor of sustained, focused attention and set shifting. Co-morbidity was also significant predictor for set shifting. Medicine type was significant predictor for verbal fluency. Severity of illness, family history and response of treatment were significant predictor of working memory.

Conclusions: Clinical Factors plays an important role in the development or maintenance of the neuropsychological dysfunctions in OCD, therefore management of OCD requires understanding for the clinical factors contributing to Neuropsychological dysfunctions, so that these can be prevented or managed simultaneously with cognitive retraining.  


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How to Cite

Clinical Factors as Predictors of Neuropsychological Dysfunctions in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. (2023). Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50(1).

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