
  • R.Thamilselvi


Amputation, Prosthesis, Psychological adjustment, Locomotor capability, Quality of life


Dear Editor,

Quality of life is likely to be  affected by amputation of a limb. However, little is known about the health-related quality of life of amputees. Authors assessed  locomotor capabilities and quality of life among lower limb amputees, using  cross-sectional design. The respondents were selected using a convenience sampling method. The data was collected from 75 lower limb amputees living in Chennai. A schedule of interviews was used to collect the relevant information from the respondents.

Authors observed that as a result of trauma, peripheral artery disease, or diabetes, several respondents had their lower arms amputated (transtibial). According to the findings, most respondents had better locomotor capabilities with prosthesis, as they could walk alone. There was a significant positive effect of prosthesis usage satisfaction, psychological adjustment, locomotor capabilities, life enjoyment, and quality of life. Respondents had better life enjoyment and overall quality of life.They had  a lower level of stress evaluations with  a presentation of  better oral/emotional state.

 Observations concluded the rehabilitation through aids and appliances facilitates the day to day living of persons with locomotor disability.


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How to Cite

LOCOMOTOR CAPABILITIES AND QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG LOWER LIMB AMPUTEES. (2023). Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49(04). https://ojs.ijcp.co.in/index.php/ijcp/article/view/226