IACP Guidelines for Psychotherapy Supervision by Clinical Psychologists

Psychotherapy Supervision guidelines


  • Dr Paulomi M Sudhir Department of clinical psychology, NIMHANS Bangalore
  • Dr Kalpana Srivastava Scientist G
  • Dr Anisha Shah Department of clinical psychology, NIMHANS Bangalore
  • Dr Gitanjali Natrajan
  • Dr Biswajit Dey
  • Bajaj M K Government Medical College & Hospital Chandigarh


Psychotherapy Supervision India


Psychotherapy supervision is an essential part of psychotherapy practice and is crucial to psychotherapy training, professional development of the psychotherapist, and ethical practice of psychotherapy. This field is fast- growing and many training programs in India have recognized the importance of psychotherapy supervision for several decades now. However, it still requires systematic attention and procedural developments. The continued need for
psychotherapy supervision has been expressed by psychotherapy practitioners, even after their qualification as clinical psychologists. This need has been expressed at various academic meetings and events, however, there is a dearth of documents or common guidelines on this matter. To address some of these issues, a Taskforce for Psychotherapy Supervision was set up under the aegis of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists in 2020.  This document is the result of deliberations by the members that resulted in some guidelines for  psychotherapy supervision in India. It provides general guidelines pertaining to critical issues in psychotherapy  supervision-such as basic principles, ethical issues, setting, structure; and formal processes- such as eligibility criteria for supervisor and supervisee, contract, the content of supervision sessions and termination. It is hoped that these guidelines will form the basis for platforms for formal psychotherapy supervision and open more interest and organization of similar documents in future. Similar initiatives can ensure not just competencies in psychotherapy practice, but also ethical practice that will benefit the supervisee and client.

Author Biographies

  • Dr Paulomi M Sudhir, Department of clinical psychology, NIMHANS Bangalore

    Professor of Clinical Psychology

  • Dr Kalpana Srivastava, Scientist G

    Scientist "G"

    Defence Research & Development Service Dept of Psychiatry AFMC, Pune

  • Dr Anisha Shah, Department of clinical psychology, NIMHANS Bangalore

    Professor of Clinical Psychology

  • Bajaj M K, Government Medical College & Hospital Chandigarh

    Associate Professor and Course Coordinator M Phil Clinical Psychology



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How to Cite

IACP Guidelines for Psychotherapy Supervision by Clinical Psychologists: Psychotherapy Supervision guidelines. (2021). Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48(03). https://ojs.ijcp.co.in/index.php/ijcp/article/view/210

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